2019-10-17 16:08:30 编辑:无 浏览:(1753次)
10-12 观点类 – 科技话题
More and more people use computers and other electronic devices to gain information. Therefore, there is no need to use printed books, magazines, or newspapers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
一般情况下,如果没有出现 some people believe这样的表述,两句话均视作观点的一部分。但是这题的第1句话并不包含带有逻辑推导的主观结论——即是对一个现象的描述——“电脑很流行”,因而没有任何内容需要去论证或反驳;而只有第二句话“Therefore, there is no need to use printed books”是主观陈述了一个结论。即这道题目只需要同意反对第二句话:是否值得留纸媒。
More and more people use computers and other electronic devices to gain information:只是描述一个现象,无需论证或反驳;
no need to use:是否有必要是需要论证同意反对的关键词。
While it is an irreversible trend that people opt to obtain information from electronic devices like computers or smart phones, I do not think it means that there is no justification for printed media.
On the one hand, it is easy to understand why some people clamor for replacing paper media with electronic counterparts. It is true that a growing number of people, especially the younger generation, rely more on electronic gadgets like laptops or smart phones as a major information sources due to the unprecedented convenience and efficiency. For example, today we can search for the coverages of a news event within seconds by inputting key words on a webpage and download the results listed, whereas it used to take days in fumbling in old newspapers or magazines. In this sense, some people take it for granted that the printed publications do not deserve a place in this age dominated by electronic communications.
Despite the popularity of electronic way of reading, it does not automatically lead to the demise of traditional media: it is simple-minded to deny the old-fashioned forms solely because the blossom of new technology. Rather, the justification of printed media is a complicated issue that is correlated to specific needs of readers. For senior citizens who have difficulty in dealing with smart phones or computers, newspapers or books remain the indispensable part in connecting them with the world. Even those who adapt to electronic reading methods may still choose to read newspapers at breakfast or are obsessed with the feeling of paper books just because of personal preference. The last factor we cannot afford to ignore is readers in less developed regions, who have no online channel of obtaining information to the newspapers.
In conclusion, while the popularity of portable devices has revolutionized the traditional way of reading, it looks to me that the printed media still play a part in in terms of the various needs of the general public.
Irreversible 不可扭转的
Justification 正当的理由
Clamor 叫嚣
Unprecedented 前所未有的
Gadgets 小物件
Fumble 翻阅
Demise 消亡
Blossom 发展
Obsessed 痴迷的
Revolutionize 革新
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