2019-09-12 15:28:03 编辑:无 浏览:(1976次)
综合写作和独立写作都是重复之前的考题。其中,综合写作重复2017年5月20曰考题,独立写作更是考到多次,分别是2010.03.06NA , 2014.09.06NA , 2014.04.19
1. 板块漂移导致这片区域变成lagoon ,阻断水流进的,然后全部干掉
2. —种致命的病毒把动物全杀光了
3. 海藻爆发并且还有毒,大鱼吃小鱼毒素累积就全死了
1. 海底还有矿物要是lagoon干了,还会有矿物被发现,但是那个沙漠里没有
2. —种virus只能导致一种species或两个close related species白勺死亡不会同时让mammal 和 fish 都死
3. 还有ocean animal不吃有毒fish吃的algae量很小不足以杀死有毒,algae只会杀死支持它们的animal
1. 他们住在lagoon里,跟海洋连接,有海水流进去,后来发生地震切断了与海洋的连接,导致水干了, 他们就都死。
2. 致死的病毒导致的。并类比了,现在dolphin的例题,他们也是病毒致死的algal boom.海藻疯长, 小的动物吃海藻,海藻产生毒素,捕食者又吃小动物,所以都被毒死了.
1. 如果水干了的话,会产生minerals (但是实际上并没有发现,所以阅读的假设不成立。
2. 病毒也不可能。因为病毒不可能导致大面积的生物死亡,它只会想象一个种类,不同的动物种类差异太大
3. 海藻确实可以产生毒素,但是问题是有一些并不吃动物的食草动物,但是它们也死亡了,所以对于这 一点,不能得到合理的解释。
1 , ancient lagoon
2 , a deadly virus
3 , algal blooms
1. mineral fossil sites ; not be found
2. mammal and fish ; not die spontaneously
3. ocean animal; algae
The reading lists three reason of the decline of marine organism and the professor contradicts a those theories perspectively.
First, the professor fights against the reason in the reading that the earthquake cut down the connection between two parts of water, which directly caused the death. She explains that the minerals would have occurred at that point if there were no water, but actually, we didn’t find any mineral there. Hence, what the reading passage indicates are not convincing.
As to the deadly virus, the professor also makes it impossible for the reason that the virus couldrV t kill most sea animals there; rather; they may just kill certain specie due to the huge difference between species. That is to say, even the example of dolphin mentioned in the passage cannot explain this phenomenon.
Third, about the algal boom. The passage insists that the small animals was infected by the virus in alga, and soon spread to the predators. However, the professor mentions a fact that those herbivore who had no chance to be infected were also killed. Therefore, the booming of alga cannot explain why those herbivore also dead in this part of ocean. (words:194)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be successful, a businesses must put more money into advertising.
2) 但是公司也得花钱在提升产品质量,降低产品价格上。
3) 公司要成功还得提升员工福利。
范文1 :
Businesses nowadays spend huge amounts of money on advertising their products. Is this a successful business strategy? I believe that it is.
The most important reason is probably exposure. Most markets are completely saturated with products- just walking down the toiletries aisle of a supermarket, you'll see countless brands of toothpaste, toothbrush, and shampoo. In the course of walking through the aisle, you will probably notice less than a handful of brands, and of those brands, really only one or two are up for consideration In order for a new company to catch your eye with their product, advertising is key. A company with a low advertising budget will not be able to create fancy packaging or impressive commercials, and this will negatively impact their ability to generate product awareness. No matter how good a product is, if nobody knows about it, it will not sell.
Another function of advertising is to make consumers choose your product over the products of competitors. Regardless of whether it's a good thing or bad thing, the reality is that most people are easily swayed by advertising techniques like adorning ads with flashy graphics or milking celebrity endorsements. A high advertising budget can help I ensure that your commercial has good production values and contains famous celebrities. These things have been demonstrated to dramatically increase the appeal of products. Every time Yao Ming or Beyonce pops up on TV with a can of Coke in their hand, they reinforce in our heads the idea that Coke is a high-quality and desirable product. It guarantees that the next time you walk through the soda aisle, you will reach for the Coke instead of the generic brand soda.
Of course, no amount of money spent on advertisement can save a product that is ultimately flawed. In order for advertising to work long term, a product has to be at least acceptable in terms of quality. However, when choosing between comparable products, advertising is often key in nudging your preferences one way or the other. Most people like the taste of Coke, but seeing Yao Ming's face on the can might make people like it just enough to choose Coke over Pepsi Thus, for companies with similar products in a packed market, spending a lot on advertising is crucial to achieving success.
Advertising serves two important functions: First, it exposes people to your product, and second, it tells people to choose your product over competing ones. Though doing these things may not make an inferior product successful, for most acceptable products, large advertising budgets are an absolute necessity.
With the development of modernization, advertisement plays a strikingly important role in our daily life. Some individuals advocate that advertising is an effective marketing approach to draw customers' attention and improve the sale of commodities. But others holding the opposite opinion think advertisements are annoying and meaningless. When it comes to me, I completely support the advertising due to its function of publicizing, meaning of education and diversity of forms.
To begin with, as we all known, the fundamental function of the advertisements is publicizing which means spread the information of productions or culture of enterprises to audiences who may alter into clients sooner or later. For instance, a new soap company that has less influential on the intensely competitive market put an advertisement on TV or other main media. There is no doubt that people begin to be
familiar with its goods or serves and when they have opportunity to buy soap they will think about the slogan from the advertisement and engender the idea of trying to use new good of recently-heard brands. Furthermore, if the company invites a celebrity to its advertisement, it would be more persuasive and powerful due to the effect of the stars. Eventually, the company will get more profit tremendously beyond the cost of the advertising.
In addition, currently advertising is becoming increasingly educational than before, which means that we can learn from the advertisements surpassing the initial purpose of the advertising, For example, there is a famous advertisement on TV that a young boy washes feet for her mother after he saw his mother washed feet for his grandmother. Then a slogan appears on the screen that "The parents are the best teacher to children". What is worth to notice is that although it is a public
advertisement there is also the name of the advertising agency printed at the same time. We not only receive the education from the advertisement but also recognize the creativity and originality of the advertisers.
Last but not least, besides the TV advertising, there are also countless form of advertising, such as a brand near a highway, a printed pamphlet and even a saying from a stranger. These various ways of advertisement bring vast crash to costumes which comparatively beneficial for selling. Diversity of advertisements makes our life abundant and colorful. We could not imagine the life without advertisement can be.
To draw a brief conclusion, due to the essential position of advertising in modern society, the importance of success to a business cannot be neglected. If a company wants to be profitable, the best way is to spend more money on advertising without any hesitation.
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