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2017-06-23 15:27:28 编辑:无 浏览:(3155次)

Q1 :请问每年的什么时候雅思口语变化?

老师: 雅思口语每年都是1月,5月,9月份变题, 建议备考的同学,若是不着急要成绩的话,尽量避开这三个月的第一场。

Q2: 变化率多少? ---30% --40% ??? 还是 50%?

老师: 前几年雅思口语的变化率都是在30%---40% 之间。而最近几年雅思口语变化率在于50% 左右。


老师: 雅思口语不论是亚太考区还是欧美考区抑或是欧盟考区等都是基本上统一变题。题库基本上都是大致一样。所以无论你在中国台湾,还是在澳洲雅思使用


Q4:现在真的能够99%的预测出2017年1月份的雅思口语题库么??? 靠谱么?

老师: 绝对不可能99%的做出靠谱的预测! 如老师上述所言,雅思口语题库会50%的老题目被替换replaced 掉,而所谓50%的新话题new topics 会被加进来。

记住! 没有真正考试,剑桥雅思官方Cambridge University 不可能透露出题库卡的,这里当然是考生回忆的“机经”了。

Q5: 如何 准备?? 备战!!??

老师: 其实广大烤鸭没有必要如此的Panic. 雅思口语题目无论如何的变化,但是最近几年的变化呈现出了一种比较明显的变题规律:那就是近2,3年考过的口语

题目会重新拿过来考,所谓的“旧题重现”即是如此。所以如下文章中老师一一给大家列举出来了,大概看下,自然不那么可怕了。 所谓雅思口语考试题库


Part 1 全年大盘点:

( 2016年 ( 9-12月份) --Name, Working/studying, hometown, accommodation , mobile phone, computer, outdoor game, Singing, Noise, Newspaper

& magazine,Flower, Hat, Painting, walking, weather(rainy days/sunny days) , advertisement, gift, snacks /chocolate, color, future job, reading, water

activity, relaxing, photography, teachers, home visiting, transportation ( taxi/bus ), weekends, bags,celebrity, handwriting,( 2016年 5—8月份)--

Teamwork, riding, night /evening, dancing, Primary school, handicraft, Science course, Music, birthday, country, online shopping, park, cinema,

(2016年 1—4月份)---- Stay alone, Swimming, hurry , toy, home staying, friendship, stay up late, sport, museum,


(如下Part2有下划线部分为重点准备! 未有下划线部分为大致准备下即可!!!)

Part 2 题库预测—2017年 人物篇—people

A good part of your personality or character (好品质)

A person who moved to live with you. (共住一起的人)

A person you admire (敬佩的人)

A person you want to spend time with. (想在一起的人)

A person who you have met and want to know more about.( 一面之缘)

A person made you laugh ( 2014年旧题回归)(发笑的人)

A creative inventor or musician (创新音乐家/ 发明家)

A person who has great influence on you (影响你的人)

A family ( not your own) you like (你喜欢的一个家庭)

A good friend (一个好朋友)

A person who apologized to you ( 向你道歉的一个人)

A person who has made a contribution to society ( 对社会做出贡献的人)

A family member (家庭成员)

A person who always travel by plane (经常坐飞机的人)

A person from the news (新闻人物)

A person who has important job ( 对社会有用工作的人)

物品篇 –object

A photo (一个照片)

An app on mobile phone or computer (一个APP)

A thing you shared with others. (分享之物)

Sth. You ate for the first time ( 第一次吃的东西)

Sth. Kept for a long time in your family (家中保存之物)

An important machine /equipment you usually use in home. ( 重要家庭电器)

A gift you sent to sb. Recently ( 礼物)

An area of subject that you are interested in ( science course ) ( 科学课)

An interesting story or novel ( 一本小说) ---A book

A toy you played in your childhood (童年玩的玩具)

A clothes someone gave to you (别人送你的衣服)

Sth. You bought and you were happy with (满意产品)

Sth. You borrowed (借的东西)

A piece of art or craft (艺术品或工艺品)

A furniture, an important plant in your country , an important product in your country,


Your favorite place in your town /hometown (喜欢之地)

A tall building that you like and dislike ( 高的建筑)

A stadium in town /city (城市体育馆)

A small business you want to have in the future ( 拥有的小公司)

A park/garden you have visited (公园,花园).

A place you often visit (常去之地)

A place you can relax (放松之地).

A foreign country you would like to work for a short time (务工国家).

A small business you are interested in (感兴趣的小公司)

A place that attracts lots of tourists (旅游景点)

A place nearby the water (进水之地 )

A polluted place (污染之地)

A house or an apartment you like ( not your own ) (喜欢的公寓)

A street ( 一街道)

A shopping center, a place you listened to music, a library , a museum, a café )

Event /experience 事件篇

A school activity you did (学校活动)

A method that helps you to save money (省钱方式)

A happy family event in your childhood (快乐家庭事件)

A time you got up early (起早经历)

A mistake you made (犯错经历)

A positive change in your life (积极变化)

An important skill you learnt in your childhood (重要技能)

A good news you received (好消息)

A situation that you got angry (生气经历)

A short trip you disliked (不喜欢的短途旅游)

A wedding you attended (参加婚礼)

A time you saw a wild animal (野生动物接触经历)

A time you were busy (忙碌时刻)

A time you needed imagination to imagine (想象力发挥经历)

A journey you would like to go with car /motorbike /bike (交通旅行)

A special meal you had with sb. (特殊一顿饭)

An interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time (休闲方式)

A time you missed an appointment ( 失约经历)

A team project for study or entertainment ( 团队活动)

A difficult decision you made (困难的决定)

a happy family event in your childhood (童年家庭幸福事件)

A time you got up early (早期经历)

A plan was affected by bad weather ( 坏天气影响的一个计划)

A time you used foreign language (第一次用外语交流的经历)

A time you watched the sky (望天的经历)

An important conversation with sb. ( 重要的谈话)

A success in your life (人生中的一次成功)

An occasion when sb. Or sth. Made noise ( 噪音经历)

A special trip you want to have in the future ( 未来旅行)

An important thing that you forgot to do ( 忘记做的事)

Sth. You would like do if you were given a day off (一日假期)

A dream you had (做过的一次梦)

A time you helped others (助人为乐)

A long walk (长时间的散步)

A time you waited for sb./sth. (一次等待)

A long journey you had by taking a car /driving a car ( 自驾游)

An important festival in China (重要节日)

Media/Entertainment 媒体& 娱乐

A website you often visit (访问网站)

A movie you like ( 一部电影)

An extreme sport (昂贵体育)

A news from newspaper or magazine (一则新闻)

An interesting tradition in your country (有趣传统)

A course you want to learn (想学课程)

Sth. You do to keep fit (健身方式)

A song you like (喜欢的歌曲)

An outdoor activity (户外运动)

An advertisement ( 一则广告)

A goal you want to achieve (目标实现)

An article you read ( about health ) (一篇文章)

A job you want to do in the future (想做工作)

An interesting story you watched on TV program (有趣电视故事/节目)

An environmental law (环保法) ---an important law in your country

A sport you learned for the first time (首次学体育)

A special song ---a childhood song