2017-06-23 15:20:19 编辑:无 浏览:(2047次)
一级重点:Table/ Mixed
二级重点:Pie/ Line
1 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.
2 Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Discuss the usefulness of this method of learning and its demerits, and give your own opinion.
3 Today, more and more people choose to study and work at home due to development of technology, such as computer and internet. Do you think it is positive or negative?
4 Some people believe say that police carrying guns leads to a high level of violence in that society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
5 The tendency that news reports focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive development in society has a negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
6 Some believe that those who are not talented in language learning should not be required to learn a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree?
7 Today food travel thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers. Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend?
8 Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called 'peer pressures'. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
9 Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe that this depends on other factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
10 Environmental problems are too big for the individual country or individual person to address. We have reached to a stage where the only way to protect environment is at an international level.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
11 Some people say that international community should ensure that all countries must immediately reduce the use of fossil energy for environmental protection. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
12 Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting the quality of goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
13 Some people say that it is no longer necessary to use animals as food or in other products, like clothing and medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
14 Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has a negative influence on young people’s reading and writing skills. Do you agree or disagree?
15 Today, as women are becoming more and more important in every way, some people say that they should be equally treated as men. Do you agree or disagree?
16 Some research reports suggest that the majority of criminals who were sent to prison would commit crimes again when they are set free. What do you think of these reports? What can be done to solve this problem?
17 Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
18 With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote areas and untouched places. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?
19 It is better for people to be unemployed than to be employed but do not enjoy it. To what extent do agree or disagree?
20 Some people think government’s money spent on supporting artists (such as painters, musicians and poets) is better than that spent on other important things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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