2017-06-23 15:26:59 编辑:无 浏览:(2989次)
Describe an interesting neighbor you have.
You should say:
Who he or she is
How you go to know this person
How long you’ve known each other
And explain why you think he or she is interesting.
Describe a famous person that you are interested in.
You should say:
Who this person is
How you go to know about this person
What he or she has accomplished.
And explain why you are interested in this person.
Describe an experience when you spent time with a child.
You should say:
Who you spent time with
Why you spend time together
What you did together
And explain how you felt about it .
Describe a family member who you are proud of.
You should say:
Who this person is
How often you spend time together
What he or she does that makes you proud
And explain why you are proud of this person.
Describe two people you know from the same family.
You should say:
Who they are
How much these two people have similar
( how much they look familiar )
And explain how the two people get along with each other
Describe a polite person you met.
You should say:
Who this person was
When and where you met this person
How you met
And explain why you think he or she was polite.
Describe a friend recently you meet once
You should say:
Who the was person
Where you met the person
Why makes you want to know more.
Describe a book that you would like to read again.
You should say:
What the book was about
Why you read it in the first place
What you learned from the book
And explain why you would like to read it again.
Describe a kind of foreign food you tried.
You should say:
What it was
When and where you had it.
Why you had it
And explain how you felt about it.
Describe an important piece of ( electrical or electronic) equipment that you use at home.
You should say:
What it is
How often you use it
Who you usually use it with
And explain why this item is important to you.
Describe a gift you gave someone recently.
You should say:
What the gift was
Who you gave it to
Why you chose that gift
And explain how the person felt about this gift.
Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time
You should say:
What it is
How ( or when) your family first got this thing
How long your family has kept it
And explain why this thing is important to your family
Describe a café you like to visit.
You should say:
Where it is
How often you go there
What you usually do there
And explain why you like this place.
Describe a shop recently opened in your hometown
You should say:
What it sells
Where it is
What kinds of people like to shop there
And explain how you feel about this shop.
Describe a quiet place you visited
You should say:
Where it was
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you think it was quiet / how you felt about visiting that place.
Describe an interesting house or apartment that you visited
You should say:
Where it was
Who home it was
What it looked like
And explain why you think it was interesting.
Describe a popular place where people go swimming.
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What kinds of people usually go there
And explain why people like to go there.
Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike
You should say:
Where this building is
What it looks like
What it is used for
And explain why you like or dislike it .
Describe a sport place near your home ( stadium , gym, park and etc.) that’s important in your city
You should say:
Where it is
How often you go there
What people do there ( who uses it )
And explain why you think it is important.
Describe a park or garden you visited and liked
You should say:
Where it was
What it looked like
What you did there
And explain why you liked it there.
Describe a place where you go to relax.
You should say:
Where it is
What you usually do there
How often you go there
And explain why it relaxes you.
Describe a foreign country you would like to work for a short period of time.
You should say:
Where it would be
How you got to know about it
What you would like to do there
And explain why you would like to work in this country.
Describe a small business you would like to have.
You should say:
What it would be
What you need to prepare for it.
Where you would have this business
And explain why you would like do this business.
Describe a tourist attraction you visited
You should say:
What it was
Where it is located
How do you feel about it.
Describe a time that something made you laugh.
You should say:
What made you laugh.
Where you were when it happened
Who you were with
And explain why it made you laugh.
Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child
You should say:
What this skill was
When you learned it
How you learnt it
And explain why you think it was important.
Describe an important event in the history of your country.
You should say:
When and where it happened
What it was about .
How you got to know about it
And explain why you think it is important in the history of your country.
Describe a time you needed to used you imagination.
You should say:
What the situation was
Why you needed to use imagination.
What the difficulties were
And explain how you felt about it.
Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike orbike.
You should say:
Where you would like to go
How you would like to go there
Who you would like to go with
And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.
Describe a time you missed an appointment.
You should say:
When and where it happened
What the appointment was for.
What happened when you missed it.
And explain how you felt about missing the appointment.
Describe a time when you were very busy.
You should say:
When it was
What you had to during that time.
How you managed it.
And explain how you felt about being busy.
Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently ( in your free time)
You should say:
What you did
When and where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.
Describe a special meal that you would like to have.
You should say:
Where you would like to have it.
Who you would like to have it with.
What you would like to eat.
And explain how you would feel about the meal.
Describe a time you waited for something special.
You should say:
What you waited for
Why you had to wait for it
What you did while waiting
And explain how you felt while waiting.
Describe sth./ a project You did with a group of people
You should say:
What the activity was
When and where you did it
Who you were with
And explain how you felt about being part of this group.
Describe a wedding you have been to
You should say :
Where it was
Who you went with
What you saw
And explain how you felt the wedding
Describe a plan you have for the future ( but not related to your work or study).
You should say:
What it is
Why you have this plan
What you need to do in order to make the plan work
And explain how you think you will feel after you achieve this plan.
Describe a time you received good service at a restaurant or a shop.
You should say:
what goods or services you bought.
Who you were with when you were served.
Why you went there.
And explain why you think their services was good.
Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.
You should say:
When and where you would like to go.
Who you would like go with.
What you would like to do there
And explain why you would like to do there
And explain why you would like to go there.
Describe a time you disagreed with a decision that others made.
You should say: what decision it was
Who made the decision
Whether you told him or her that you disagreed.
And explain why you didn’t agree with this decision.
Describe an enjoyable experience you had in the countryside.
You should say:
When and where you went
Who you went with
What you did there
And explain why you think it was enjoyable.
Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.
You should say:
When and where I was
Why you were not allowed to use you phone.
What you wanted to use you phone for.
And explain how you felt about not being able to use your mobile phone.
Describe an interesting talk or speech you heard recently
You should say:
When and where you heard it
What the talk or speech was about
Who gave the talk or speech
And explain why you think it was interesting.
Describe a time you saw a wild animal.
You should say:
Where you learned about this animal.
What it looks like
Where you saw it /where it lived
And explain how you felt about this wild animal.
Describe an unforgettable experience.
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
Who were there
And explain why it was impressive.
Describe a happy event you prepared
You should say:
What is the event
Who helps with you
How you prepared it
And explain why did you think it was happy
Social & Media 社会&媒体
Describe an interesting tradition in your country
You should say:
What the tradition is
When do you celebrate it
How you celebrate it
And explain why it is interesting
Describe your favorite film.
You should say:
When and where you saw it.
What type of film it was
What the film was about
And explain why it is your favorite film.
Describe an interesting song you like.
You should say:
What it is
Which country the song comes from
What story the song tells
And explain why you think it is interesting.
Describe a useful website that you often visit.
You should say;
What the contents of this website are.
How you first found this website.
How often you go to this website.
And explain how this website helps you.
Describe an ads you recently saw or heard.
You should say:
When and where you saw it
What was advertised
What the contents of the ads were
And explain how you felt about it.
Describe a kind of weather you like
You should say:
What kind of weather it is
When this weather usually occurs
What you usually do during this weather.
And explain how this weather affects your mood.
Describe an exiting activity you tried for the first time.
You should say:
What it was
When and where you tried it.
Whether it was difficult to do .
And explain how you felt about it.
Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future.
You should say:
What this job is
What qualities are required for this job
What you would need to learn to get this job.
And explain why you would like to do this job.
Describe an advertisement you have seen recently
You should say:
When and where you saw it
What it was advertised
What the contents of the ads were
And explain how you felt about it .
Describe an activity ( sport ) that is expensive
You should say:
What it is
how you know it
is it difficult
explain why it is expensive.
Describe an area of science you studied that you are interested in , such as medicine , physics or mathematics.
You should say:
What branch of science it is
When you studied it
How you studied it
And explain why you are interested in it.
Edited By Aaronbigman
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